“In Greece, which suffers from the economic crisis more than other western countries, the problems arising for hundreds of thousands of families and especially for children is enormous. Poverty, unemployment, social exclusion and deprivation of basic necessities has created desperate conditions, resulting in a humanitarian disaster unfolding daily before everyone’s eyes. Democracy values are affected. Future is uncertain, especially for younger generations. The welfare state has disintegrated. Social solidarity, being an expression of the democratic social state, has been tested. Human rights, especially of vulnerable social groups are violated in multiple ways and social cohesion is threatened.”
Tragic recipients of this situation are the children, experiencing a precarious and uncertain climate, fear, existential pain and intense anger. Their anger leads to aggressive and even delinquent behaviors and extinguishes every sense of respect for all kinds of governing power. Their opposition against school is shockingly blind. Teachers are called upon to demolish the wall, built by the crisis aftereffects and growing day by day between them and the children. For some mysterious reason, the “difficult children” concentration does not follow the entropy distribution law inside the school groups. Most of the times such children are found in one or two class groups all the teachers are trying to avoid.
A1 class is one of them.